Our Team Members

Clark photo

Peter M Clark, PhD

Principal Investigator

B.A. – Biology, Chemistry, College Scholar, Economics, English, Mathematics
Philosophy, and Physics – Cornell University
Ph.D. – Chemistry – California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Postdoctoral Fellow – University of California, Los Angeles

Picture of graduate researcher Jessica Salas

Jessica Salas, MS

Graduate Student

Bao photo

Bao Ying Chen

Graduate Student
Physics and Biology in Medicine

B.S. – Biochemistry and Molecular Biology  – Grinnell College

Alyssa Trias

Undergraduate Student

Past Members

Tim Chai
Undergraduate researcher (2012 – 2016) – Current position: M.D., Ph.D. candidate, Stanford University

Andy Cicchetto
Rotation student (2016)

Ying Xin (Raechel) Lin
Rotation student (2016)

Ian Dillingham
Rotation student (2016)

Jessica Salas
Researcher (2016) – Current position: Graduate student, UCLA

Catherine Meyer
Rotation student (2017)

Anya Alag
Undergraduate researcher (2016 – 2017)

Alicia Wong
Researcher (2016 – 2018) – Current position: Researcher, Stanford University

Matthew Lim
Undergraduate researcher (2018 – 2019)

Saba Shahin, PhD
Postdoctoral scholar (2017 – 2019) – Current position: Postdoctoral scholar, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Arely Perez
Undergraduate researcher (2018 – 2020) – Current position: Researcher, UCLA

Chiara Ghezzi
Project scientist (2018 – 2021)

Bao Ying Chen
Graduate student (2017 – 2022) – Current position: Postdoctoral scholar, City of Hope